From Diagnosis to Intervention to Education to Job Placement
A Learning Place for All
Contact Us: +6011 1133 8518
Email: info@hatchingcenter.org

Transdiciplinary approach from qualified Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Child Psychologist and Special Needs Educators, be equipped with real life experience for ongoing social and emotional learning beyond the therapy setting. Empower and coach parents to facilited the child in daily interaction with others peer and sibling.

Speech Therapy
"Everyone deserve a voice"
Our Speech Therapist assess, diagnose and use various intervention techniques to treat children with speech, language, communication, feeding and swallowing difficulties.

Occupational Therapy
"Medicine adds days to life
Occupational Therapy adds life to days"
Our Occupational Therapist promotes and facilitates the development of skills, which are required for the children to grow into independent and functional adults through play in their daily living context. The intervention areas involve sensory integration, fine and gross motor skills training, self-help skills, living skills, problem solving, memory, organization, keeping a routine, social skills, using community resources, home-making and leisure.

Child Psychology
"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are burried alive and will come fought back later in a uglier way"
Our Child Psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat children who may have slight or severe emotional, mental or social disorders. We help children and families to be happy and successful in their day-to-day lives, and reach their developmental milestones.

"A Physiothrapist has the brain of a scienctist, the heart of a humanist, and the hands of an artist"
Our Physiotherapist examine, provide treatment and care of babies, children and young people from birth to 19 years. Paediatric Physiotherapists promote the health and wellbeing of children and have additional knowledge and experience of child development and of childhood disabilities.