From Diagnosis to Intervention to Education to Job Placement
A Learning Place for All
Contact Us: +6011 1133 8518
Email: info@hatchingcenter.org

Pre Vocational and Vocational Programs
Homegrown programs for children and young adult, specially design by our Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Child Psychologist, aim to improve quality of life of individual with special needs holistically.

Pre Vocational Programs
For 6 to 12 years old
This program mainly focus at facilitating the development of self-help skills, basic communication and academic for daily life, emotional and sensory integration, as well as early exposure to specific job skills in our vocational program. Daily class is conducted in a small group sized setting to promote social skills.

Vocational Programs
For 13 to 19 years old
Actives learning through vocational activities, provide real life experience in job setting. Apart from daily living skills, this program also includes basic academic for daily living. Promote social skills and recreation skills in a group setting.
PS: last enrolment at age of 17.